From the moment you wake your eyes are taking in information about the things you see. Your eyes take in colors, shapes and movement and a whole lot more! It then sends all this information to your brain to let it know what is actually going on outside your body.

The vitreous is the biggest part of your eye. It sits behind the lens inside your eye forming two-thirds of your eye volume and gives the eye its shape. It’s filled with a clear jelly-like material (vitreous humor). When light passes through the lens it shines straight through the vitreous humor to the back of the eye.

Your eyelid, and eyelashes, protects the front part of the eye, blinking keeps your eyes clean and moist. Your eyelids also have great reflexes, adjusting to light and near objects.

Your cornea is a transparent dome that sits in front of the colored part of your eye. It helps your eye focus as light passes through. Although you can hardly see it, (since it is made of clear tissue) it is a very important part of your eye. The cornea is like a clear window the eye looks through to view the world.

The space between your cornea and the iris is called the anterior chamber. This space is filled with a special transparent fluid that nourishes and keeps the eye healthy.

Your iris is the colorful part of the eye behind the cornea. It has muscles attached that changes its shape to control the amount of light passing through. When we say a person has blue eyes, we really mean the person has blue iris!

The sclera is the white part of your eye. It is made of a tough material and covers most of your eye. The lines that you see on them are blood vessels, tiny tubes that deliver blood to your sclera

Your pupil is the black circle in the center of your iris. It is an opening in the iris that allows light to enter the eye. It changes size depending on the light. If too much light is shined on them, they will get smaller, and larger as the light diminishes.

A lens inside your eye is suspended by fibers which are attached to a muscle called the ciliary muscle. This muscle has the amazing job of changing the shape of your lens that is inside your eye to help you focus at different distances.

Your eye processes light through special cells called rods and cones which are in your retina. It contains 120 million rods and 7 million cones in each eye. Your rods see black, white and shades of gray, and tells you the shape and form that something has, while cones sense colors.

The Retina is located in the very back of your eye. It is not visible to you and can only be seen with special instruments. It holds millions of cells that are and is responsible for peripheral vision. It takes the light and changes it into nerve signals so the brain can understand what the eye is seeing!

The macula is located in the back center portion of your eye. It is a small area responsible for sharp, clear central vision. When we look directly at something, the light from that object forms an image on your macula. The fovea is in the center of your macula, providing the sharpest acute vision.

Your eye has a great messenger in the back called the optic nerve. It serves as a high-speed contact line connecting the eye to the brain. When you see an image your eye contacts your brain with a report on what you are actually seeing!